


Bad Verse

Alien Abduction
Quotes 1
Quotes 2
Quotes 3
Quotes 4
Food that Bites
Facts - Perhaps?
Robbie Burns

Words can be Cool




Things Scottish

A Sense of Identity
For that is the mark of the Scot of all classes: that he stands in an attitude towards the past unthinkable to Englishmen and remembers and cherishes the memory of his forbears, good or bad; and there burns alive in him a sense of identity with the dead even to the twentieth generation  -- Robert Louis Stevenson

Tartan Day
The US Senate voted to make April 6th Tartan Day. The following is an extract from the account of the proceedings:

Whereas April 6 has a special significance to all Americans, and especially to those Americans of Scottish descent, because the Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish Declaration of Independence was signed on April 6, 1320 and the American Declaration of Independence was modelled on that inspirational document; 

Whereas this resolution honors the major role that Scottish Americans played in the founding of this nation . . . 

Whereas this resolution recognizes the monumental achievements and invaluable contribution made by Scottish Americans . . . 

Resolved, that the Senate designates April 6 of each year as "National Tartan Day".

Scottophobes: Fortunately there is less hatred of us now among the English than there was in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. These days there is probably every bit as much anti English sentiment in Scotland than there is anti Scotishness south of the border. It would do well to remember, however that The Scottish Enlightenment occurred in a century when many Englishmen were calling for 'the total extirpation' of the Scottish people". 

A famous professed scottophobe was Dr Samuel Johnson, however his good friend and biographer Boswell was a Scot. There was good natured humour in their interchanges, some of which are amusing.

The Declaration of Arbroath --

"For as long as but one hundred of us remain alive, we will never on any conditions submit to the domination of the English. It is not for glory nor riches, nor honours that we fight, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life."

You can buy a framed copy of the document at the following Website:

Links to other sites about the Declaration of Arbroath

Stone of Scone: Also known as the 'Stone of Destiny'

The Scottish Enlightenment: A period when ideas and philosophies were coming from Edinburgh based thinkers, many of them ordinary citizens, David Hume and Thomas Paine were foremost among the protagonists. (Paine not native to Edinburgh, he was was English as was Erasmus Darwin and Benjamin Franklin an American).  One good thing that came from the period was a debate that led to the general acceptance of the idea that slavery should be abhorrent to all men.

Different from the English?

.... there is nocht tua nations vnder the firmanent that ar mair contrar and different fra vthirs nor is inglis men and scottis men, quhoubeit that thai be vitht in ane ile, and nychtbours, and of ane langage, for inglis men ar subtil, and scottis men ar facile. inglis men ar ambitius in prosperite, and scottis men ar humain in prosperite. inglis men ar humil quhen thai ar subieckit be forse and violence, and scottis men ar furious quhen thai ar violently subiekit. inglis men ar cruel quhens thai get victorie, and scottis men ar merciful quhen thai get victorie.... -- Wedderburn's Complaynt of Scotland, 1549

Tablet, A Recipe

1/2 lb Butter
1 pt of water
4 lb of Caster Sugar
1 lb Tin of Condensed milk

Put the butter and water into a deep pan and melt on a low heat. When melted add the sugar and bring to the boil, add the condensed milk and simmer for 25 minutes, stirring to prevent sticking. Take off the heat and add the flavouring of your choice, and beat very well for 5 minutes. Pour into a greased pan and score as above, or into little bars about 5 in. long and 1 1/2 in. wide. Wrap each bar in waxed paper when cold.
Makes 4 lb .


or Nuts...

Source: A Taste of Scotland. Fitzgibbon...

We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home. Edward R. Murrow

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