Q: Stinky sink! I am single and do not know how to
get rid of that terrible stink in the sink. I get to where I close out
both sides because the smell gets so strong. I do not leave anything in
the disposal. I have tried baking soda, it does not even touch the
odor. Running hot water and
ammonias does not do anything. What can I do to get rid of this
terrible odor??? -- Help! "Linda Van Gelder" Reply Ref0061
Answer #1 : Bi-carbonate
sprinkled in the sink and add
vinegar. It will fizz and should reduce the smell -- Anon Comment
Answer #2: Chlorine Bleach diluted 1:1 is usually effective.
Sometimes the smell is due to insufficient water in the "traps" or "U
These are designed to hold water which stops the foul gas from the drains
and sewer coming back up -- Alistair Comment
Answer #3: I replied to a question that the woman asked about stinky
sinks. I went to www. google.com
to ask about getting a grease stain out of carpets and I found your
site. Great site! I told the lady that if she puts chicken bones in her
disposal and runs it real good that will keep her blades sharp and take
a lot of the odors out and then run cut up lemons in the disposal and
that the acidity in the lemons will take
a lot of the odor out and keep it out. A butcher told me this years ago
and it works. Thanks again for this terrific site you have.
-- Nonie Conklin Comment
Answer #4: Foul odor in sink Try orange peels. Leave
for about an hour then turn the disposal on -- Twins Brats
Q: Sink smells. What's the best way to deodorize sink drains made of PVC? -- Lisa Rae Reply (Ref:0029)
Answer #1: Ordinary
Chlorine Bleach. It will quickly neutralize smells coming from sinks
undiluted or diluted 1:1. Sometimes sinks smell because the water trap
in a "u bend" is not effective, it may have evaporated or leaked out. -- Comment
Answer #2: 15
Stinking Sink Solutions: - A not very serious answer -- you might find this funny
Unanswered Questions
Q: Foul odours
from sink. My kitchen sink has foul odours coming up from
the drain, which is attached to the garbage disposal. (The other side of the split kitchen sink is fine.)
If I run water down the drain for 30 seconds or so, the odours will
decrease for a short period of time, however they do return. Is there anything
that I can put down the drain, on a periodic basis, to eliminate or reduce these
odours? Thanks much. -- "Craig Kasseckert" Reply (Ref:0061
Q: Sink smells. What's the best way to deodorize sink drains made of PVC? Reply (Ref:0029)