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Rust Stains

Q: Rust Stains: Off -White Berber Carpet I have recently noticed that quite a few rust stains have appeared on my Berber carpet from the legs of furniture. The metal nail under the leg must have been in contact with water or dampness ... I have a great steam cleaner which gets out nearly all stains, but has been ineffective with the rust. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you. -- LJM Reply

A: Rust stains  To remove the stain, rub with lemon juice and salt. Leave it several hours. It's even more effective when placed in the sun. Wash as normal. - - Patti   Seizetheday

A: Rust stains In Australia we have a product called Rustiban available at pharmacies only. It's a tiny plastic bottle with liquid in it of which one only needs a drop or two onto the cloth which has been moistened with water. Rust spots disappear while you watch. I t works wonderfully. Only on white cotton as far as I know. Don't get it on your fingers or skin as it is corrosive --  Maroof

A: Rust stains I believe that there is also a stain Devil available for rust on fabric.  Oxalic acid is sometimes suggested in old books on stain removal, however it is poisonous and should only be used with caution. -- stains

A: Stain Devils  Hi, I notice in the how to remove stains section, someone recommended "Stain Devil" and implied that it was not readily available, except in the UK. If you ask your search engine to find "Westons", they are a pharmaceutical supply company that advertise on the web, and have "Stain Devils" for all manner of stains. -- P.J.Morant.

Q: Rust Stains. I understand that Stain Devil produce a product to remove rust. Does anyone know where I can obtain a list of stockists? -- Reply  (Lee Shorter)  (Ref:0500)

Q: Stain Devil for rust. Does anyone know where i can buy stain devil for rust in the u.k or the web site for the manufacturers --  Reply  (lty.harding) (Ref:0500a)

Answer#1: Stain Devils  Hi, I notice in the how to remove stains section, someone recommended "Stain Devil" and implied that it was not readily available, except in the UK. If you ask your search engine to find "Westons", they are a pharmaceutical supply company that advertise on the web, and have "Stain Devils" for all manner of stains. P.J.Morant. -- Reply 17 Jan 2003

Answer#2: Stain Devil retailers. Hi, If you're still looking for Stain Devil, Amazon now sells it. The stuff is truly amazing!
Good luck, -- Kris Reply 01/09/2005

Q: Rust Stains: Off -White Berber Carpet  I have recently noticed that quite a few rust stains have appeared on my Berber carpet from the legs of furniture. The metal nail under the leg must  have been in contact with water or dampness ... I have a great steam cleaner  which gets out nearly all stains, but has been ineffective with the rust.  Anyone have any ideas? Thank you. -- Les Jane Cameron Reply (Ref:0620)

A: Rust Stains : Go to your local grocery or wal-mart and purchase a bottle of "Whink". It is a copper colored bottle with white lettering. This is my Miracle stuff for all rust stains on any material. You just squirt the whink directly on the stain, and the rust spot dissapears instantly. If it doesn't, it isn't rust. I even use it on the kitchen counters when a rust stain forms from a metal can being placed for a time with moisture under it. Hope this helps. -- dbschoe October 1 2006

Q:Rust stains I need to know how to remove a rust stain from pottery. Thanks! -- Jiminy Reply  (Ref:0713)

Q: Rust Stain. I have a rust stain on the carpet of my car. Any suggestions please Please e-mail. -- Geoffrey Tucker Reply (Ref:0004)

Q: Pen ink stain How do you get pen ink stain? -- Lisa Rae Reply  (Ref:0714)

A: Lemon Juice and salt left on the garment is a frequently suggested remedy for permanent ink, methylated spirits are useful for felt tips and other solvent based inks.







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