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Q: Duct Tape. i bought a shirt at a local show and the people selling it wrapped it up with duct tape. How can i get the duct tape off? -- ROCKERFOREV/p>
Coffee stains What is the best way to get filter coffee stains out of a carpet? -- Reply ref66_5498
Smelly cellulose kitchen sponges Regular cellulose kitchen sponges tend to get smelly, and the odor transfers onto your hands when you use the sponge. We have found that a spray of Febreeze (or any fabric odor remover, I would imagine) keeps that nasty odor away.-- Reply
Melted paper bag I tried to remove wax from a carpet by using a brown paper bag and iron. It melted. I cannot remove the film from the carpet and have tried steam and ice. Any suggestions. Nothing is working. It is stuck in there. Would appreciate any suggestions.
Toilet bowl cleaners I am very interested in finding out what is usually in the ingredients of toilet bowl cleaners in solid form...what do the manufacturers put in the cleaner to make it slick,& slimy. Can these type cleaners be used on cars to clean, well tires, wheels, or how far could one go with these cleaners?? could one use the dissolved form to clean showers or other household needs?? I would appreciate your comments -- Reply CMCG-Make The Most of Everyday
Safety tip Never scratch your private parts, whilst shaving. You might inadvertently forget which hand you are holding the razor in!! OUCH!!. Simon SPICER Reply
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