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Mothball Odors in Furniture, Carpets and Fabric

Q:  Mothball Odour in Furniture. I just bought some used dressers and they smell of moth balls. I cannot stand the smell and wondered if you had any suggestions about how to safely remove the odour. If you can answer that, do you know how to remove mothball odour from clothing? I would appreciate any advice. Thank you. -- “Tammie” Reply (Ref:0053)

Q: Help. Help, I'm trying to remove the smell of mothballs from some luggage but to no avail. Do you have any recommendations? I'm going away this weekend and need the luggage not to smell. Thanks --Marcobeans Reply

A: Moth Balls Smell - Hi, Try leaving some scented fabric softener sheets in luggage while it is closed to make it smell better. Also a product called Febreze is really good. It is sold near fabric softener in grocery store. Good luck. -- Chris "BabyLady" Reply    25 Mar 2004

Q: Help. Help, I'm trying to remove the smell of mothballs from some luggage but to no avail. Do you have any recommendations? I'm going away this weekend and need the luggage not to smell. Thanks -- Reply 2004

Q: Removing the Smell of Moth Balls  Hi, How do you remove the smell of moth balls from fabrics, furniture, carpet and walls? Thanks so much for your help. -- M Dorman   Reply   26/07/2005

A: Mothballs Smell: The smell is what protects the clothes from the larvae of the moths and other insects. You can buy odorless moth balls however. By the way never kill spiders, if you make your house unfriendly to spiders then insects will multiply and ruin clothes, books and so many of your possessions. Mothball smells will eventually go of their own accord.-- McGlitchie

That a moth eats cloth is a myth for a moth has no mouth - Anon

Q:Removing Moth Ball Smell From Fabric. Looking for a remedy. I'm trying to remove moth ball smell from some old pillowcases. What will  work? --  Reply

Q: Moth Ball Odors  How do you remove moth ball odors from clothes  -- Judy Samra Reply 27/05/2005 (Ref:1100)

Q: Moth balls Hi, How do you remove moth ball smell from fabric? -- "SafeHaven" Reply (Ref:0687)

Q: Mothball Odor. Is there a possibility of removing mothball odors from fabric in a car? -- Reply May 23 2006 (Ref:1218)


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