Cube: Lubricate with talcum powder. - - Ron Sutherland
Rubik Cube: You can also use Vaseline, a very versatile and underrated product -- Dave Marsh Birmingham
Soccer: Practice heading with balloons to build your confidence. -
Soccer Boots. If you have new soccer (Football) boots, soak them in water, stuff them
with newspaper, and then allow them to dry out. After each game stuff
them with newspaper again. - Steven Reed, London
Tennis Balls: If your tennis balls are wet, dry them out in the tumble dryer.
- Anon.
Learning to Swim: I learned to
swim by using flippers. It was a painless and easy route as I was
swimming with ease from the moment I donned them. --
Richard Fiske
Do you get
"finger squeak" while playing the guitar? Cold water and
moisturizing cream does the trick -- Sonny Gill
Sonny you can also use WD40 on the strings (not your fingers!) - Umar
You can clean
out trumpets and brass instruments with warm soapy water. Rinse it
thoroughly. Lubricate the valves with valve oil afterwards. -
Scott Edmunds.
To clean
inside your guitar fill it with uncooked rice, give it a good shake,
and then let it all fall out. - Bob Peterson.
Instrument cases: Damp Rid is wonderful for removing must. Damp Rid is
designed to be used in the container it comes in, but this may be too
big for the instrument case--you may have to improvise. Once you've
shut the Damp Rid in the case, you should probably leave it there
undisturbed for several weeks. If you open the case to take a peek to
see how it's working, you will allow the case to fill back up with
humid air & the Damp Rid will have to pull all of that new
moisture out of the air. Be careful not to bump the case--as the Damp
Rid absorbs moisture out of the air, it dissolves, leaving an orange
liquid in the container. Jeanne
Always clean
wind instruments such as clarinets after you play with them. To clean a
clarinet properly use a knitting needle to push a small piece of
flannelette sheet through it. - James Wyatt - Bedford -
Another Guitar Tip - If you are a beginner player and you want to play some of your favorites songs,
but you're having trouble dealing with tab or notes
there's a awsome and easy solution: Video Lessons! there is a lot of them,and they are totally free in this site
or simply search in youtube.
rock on - Amit
The best Sci Fi films ever? We each of us have our favorites but my list of the ones that I still watch with pleasure is:
Silent Running
Dark City
Dave Kirkcaldy
you get finned by a cat fish, pour any soda over it and it will stop
the stinging and cleanse it at the same time......I know I tried it ;o)
-- Gwen
Fishing. These have a sweet tooth, so mix some melted molasses with
your ground bait. - James Emerson, Buxton.
Fishing: If
you have a long carbon-fibre rod don’t go out in
thunderstorms, and keep away from power lines as they conduct
electricity. – Robin Edmunds.
Fishing. Salmon are attracted to female pheromones, so keep an item of
your wife or girlfriends clothing along with the bait feathers. -
Alan, can we suggest that you be a bit careful; carrying around such items could get you arrested - Ed
Fishing. I
have found that useful substitutes for live fishing-bait include:
breadballs, or cheeseballs. Sweet-corn kernels are good as well.
- Darren Emerson, Buxton.
I like to use
pieces of sausage as fishing bait. Fruit such as red or black currents,
other berries, and banana pieces are good as well. . -
Darren Emerson, Buxton
If you catch
small fish such as minnows to use as bait, they can be frozen and used
later. Don't thaw them out fully though, as they get too soggy to keep
on the hook otherwise. - - J.D. Thorley, Bristol.
Stop your
fishing hooks from corroding by keeping some grains of rice in the hook
box. - - Anon.
If you are
fishing with maggots it is important to keep them warm, if the weather
is cold. You need them to wriggle about as much as possible to attract
the fish. Fish love it if they are colored with food coloring, and
flavored with things like curry powder. - - Henry Pierce.
Video Production Try to use thirty minute video tape cassettes. Longer duration tapes -
60 and 90 minutes - make editing a dreaded chore.
-- MSJ Media
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"It is better to be beautiful than to be good. But
it is better to be good than to be ugly." - Oscar Wilde