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Organizing Successful Meetings

If your existing meetings regime works and produces effective outcomes then it would be wrong to try introduce dramatic changes. Effective and successful meetings are a product of many factors and here we give a few ideas on how to make them a bit better. Good companies usually achieve their excellence incrementally and meetings are an area where there is often room for improvement.

In this article we will offer a few tips and advice that should result in improvements to the outcomes.

So many meeting I have attended have dragged on and wasted valuable time.

Some fail to have been effective in giving direction, many fail to have the delegates aware of the tasks that need to be accomplished, some I have attended have even resulted in a loss of motivation by those who needed a boost.


Make sure that there is an agenda, make sure that it is clear, and make sure that the attendees are prepared for the 'lumpy bits' in other words you may have to consult others regarding the subject matter.

Circulating the agenda well in advance will result in more time for everyone to prepare. Details such as those requiring action can be included.

To improve the structure of the meeting you can have timings for each item.

All meetings require an agenda, however not all require a comprehensive one. Regularly scheduled meetings can be guided simply by having the previous meetings minutes circulated and commented upon, even then it is a good idea to have some ideas presented before the meeting, perhaps in the invitation or reminder message.

Requests for inputs are important as it reduces the unexpected time consuming topic coming up half-way through the meeting or clogging up the AOB (any other business) slot


Not all meeting are the same, a creative meeting is not the same as a routine meeting. or a detail heavy technical session. The atmosphere and location are all factors in the success or otherwise of the gathering. Holding the meeting in a special setting can have very beneficial results.


During the meeting watch people's faces. Make sure that the less outspoken members are saying what they are thinking.

After the meeting verify that everyone's knows what actions are expected of them, whether their expectations have been met and that all issues have beer dealt wit to everyone's satisfaction.


Not all meetings are necessary; sometimes a quick chat, email or phone call would have sufficed. and not everyone needs to be present for the duration of the meeting. the meeting could be planned to allow some members to leave early. Remember that people's time is valuable, not only in money terms to the organization, but also to the individual. Aim for an outcome where everyone involved comes away with the feeling that something has been accomplished. Meetings can be said to be successful when this happens.

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Only that thing is free which exists by the necessities of its own nature, and is determined in its actions by itself alone -- Spinoza (1632-1677)

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