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Q: Transfats I hear a lot about trans fats being bad for you. What exactly are they? And why are they bad? -- DE Reply  (Ref:1201)

A: Hydrogen can be added to vegetable oils in the process of food manufacture. This is called hydrogenation. This helps keep food from spoiling and also adds to the taste. The downside is that transfats clog arteries and raises LDL cholesterol levels which in turn increases the risk of heart disease. Check for the word “hydrogenated” on the ingredients of processed foods, typically margarine, cookies, crackers, and snack foods. Try to stay away from these.--  Linda Byard March 21 2005

Additives are a worry these days. What are hydrogenated vegetable oils in the list of additives in my food? what is monosodium glutamate and are they proven harmless??! Thanks, Nancy  Reply  7 Oct 2003 (Ref:0864) 

A: Stay away from Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils.  They compress additional hydrogen atoms into the product. They do this in margarine. These oils are liquid but they want them to be solids. So they increase the amount of hydrogen atoms in it so it will become a solid. Sounds harmless but it's not. It turns the fat into a plastic like material. Plus it fools your body into thinking it's an Essential Fatty Acid, which it's not. EFA's are very important to our bodies.  Just another way science is changing our foods along with genetically engineered foods. - Submitted by Derek of www.cheap-diet.com

Q: Why Detox? and some more questions from the Martin family.
What are the toxins that pose the greatest dangers?
How do they get in to our system, where do they come from?
Can herbs and medications help to remove toxins from the body?
Name some herbs that work!
Why do sulfur-rich foods cleanse the body. Will any purgative do?
Name some sulfur rich foods.
Are we all equally susceptible to toxins?
What is the role of the blood-brain barrier in avoiding toxins and can it influence a detox program?
Is fasting an effective way of detoxing?
Are free-radicals the same as toxins? 
Are we allowed more than one question? -- Murray Martin muromaq
20th July 2002 (Ref:0899)

or is it a pre-cancerous phenomenon, and can I ignore it as my doctor suggests? Karen Shipley Reply April 29 2007

Q: What is a Keratosis and how dangerous is it if left alone?

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