About The Tips Bank

Hints and Tips, Helpful Advice and Useful Articles on a wide range of topics. Our goal is to present useful and dependable free information with most of the information appearing on the site being contributions from our readership.

We were very flattered to discover the BBC website linked to our page on chillies as an authoritative source of information on the subject. Perhaps this is why so many other websites copy our material.

Perhaps some of our readers notice that the site contains material that was posted on www.hints-n-tips.com, one of the very first of the hints and tips websites, well that is because we have acquired and incorporated much of the material that was to be found on that website.

We aso have an entire section given over to questions and answers, lots of them maybe one of our answered questions will give you an idea that could solve a long standing problem.

Our income is generated from advertising and the occasional donation we receive from our readers.


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